Friday 5 April 2013

/ w e e k  t w o

S W A T C H  T E C H N I Q U E S  

/ After scoring is applied to a swatch, I asked myself what other techniques could I apply? I started twisting the strips in the other direction. The effect is an ombre-like effect.

/ To enhance the two-sided quality of the fabric, I bonded 2 colours with double sided fusing, Vliesofix. When this fusing is applied to fabrics it hardens, resulting in a stiffer handle. 

On twist in the other direct, then another back. 

One twist in the other direction. 

Twisted strip, interwoven into scored fabric. 

Two twists in the the same direction. This produces a self-twisting agent, the fabric will naturally curl up. 

Alternating direction of twists. 

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